Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Flower Discussions

Today in class we'll be continuing and wrapping up our discussions of the Haas and Flower article. I hope you didn't find the article too, too difficult to get through, though I do know it's a challenging read.

Studio Work

Your task for today is to develop a visual representation between the Haas and Flower and the Richardson article. How are they connected? Develop a "mind map" draft on your tables today illustrating the connection between these two articles. What would they agree on? Where do they differ? For an extra challenge, try to include DIAZ in your map, too.

Then, take your sketch and draw it on the class whiteboards. Your group will be responsible for walking us through your mind map as a mini presentation. The best illustrations will be included here on our blog, so do a good job with this!

Homework: Finish your Stage I Revisions. They're due when we return on MONDAY.

For extra credit: 

Post any memes, gifs, or pictures that you feel represent any of the readings we've done so far in class. Be sure to give an explanation, too!

Here's my example: The picture above! For me, this picture represents the Flower article in that it shows a character rhetorically reading a text. We can tell he's rhetorically reading because he's able to envision the text, thereby "constructing" meaning in his mind. The meaning of the text is in his mind, not on the page, so that's where we see all the action. When he's watching t.v, he's being a "receptive" or passive watcher -- only observing what's on the screen rather than constructing meaning for himself.

YOUR TURN! Have fun with this assignment.


  1. who is flower?

    Obama's speech was great we should have a discussion on that for tomorrows class "just saying"

  2. tuesday? we don't have class tuesday

    1. You're right Selena! This is our plan for today, Wednesday. I posted it yesterday instead of today so I wouldn't have to rush it, but you're right, WEDNESDAY! :)

  3. http://blog.chegg.com/2013/03/18/6-essay-writing-lies-they-taught-you-in-school/

    The picture represents what Diaz talk about the ways High School Prepares You for Failure. When she explains the differences between learning writing in High School and in college. Diaz states "All I'm saying is that writing you did in high school and the writing you will do in college are two completely different things." This line is the main topic of her article and this is last line before she goes off explaining how nearly all of high school writing is different from college and this pictures is in some kind related for me.
