As we finish up our Stage Vs and wrapping up our portfolios, it's just about that time of the writing process where we begin editing.
One way I recommend going about editing your papers is to take them to the University Writing Center (in the ASB). They're super apt at finding all your wonderful spelling, punctuation and usage errors, so give them a try!
One other thing we'll be doing in class is having Mini-Lessons on pesky grammar skills that I've noticed (by reading your papers of course) you might be having trouble with. For extra credit, why don't you volunteer to teach the class about one of these? Your lesson will have to include 1. An explanation of the rules and 2. an activity to reinforce it with the class. You should expect to spend between 10-15 minutes. Volunteers who successfully present a "Grammar Time" lesson will receive 5 points to their final grade. It's pretty generous, I know.
Up for grabs:
1.Then vs. Than
2. Identifying and Correcting Run-On Sentences
3. Properly Using Quotation Marks
4. Their, There, and They're (Oh my!)
5. Using Semi Colons
6. To, Too, and Two
7. You're vs. Your
8. Apostrophes
All grammar time presentations will take place on Monday, December 2nd
I'll be sending around a sign-up sheet in class. If you're seeing this and want to reserve on, let me know by shooting me an email or leaving a comment below.
By the way, I WILL be looking at spelling/grammar/usage MLA business when it comes to your final portfolios. So please, do proofread.
Today's Classwork:
You will be writing a reflective essay on your group project. Your essay should be a minimum of one handwritten page. Basically, I want you to discuss how your group project went. Here are the areas I'd like you to address:
- Give an overall description of your group project. What did you all create and why? What do you think were your projects strengths and limitations?
- With your project, who was in charge of what? How would you grade each team member (including yourself!) in they contributed to the project?
- What was the PURPOSE of your project? Do you think you've achieved that purpose? Why or why not?
- Who was your target audience? What rhetorical choices did you make in your project to reach that audience? What do you think you could have done better/differently?
- What did you learn from the experience?
A reminder: We will not have class on Wednesday, 11/27. Use this time to work on your stage v papers. Your rough draft will be due when we return from Thanksgiving break on 12/2.